The latest version of "World's Top 2% Scientists 2021," compiled by Stanford University, was released on October 10th, 2022. Based on a snapshot of the most-cited scientists from Scopus, the list includes 1,479 researchers from Taiwan, eleven of whom are from Kun Shan University (KSU). The KSU researchers on the list are Hou Shuhn Shyurng, Lin Shueei Muh, Chang Win Jin, Lee Haw Long, Yang Yu Ching from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, as well as Liou Yi Cheng from the Department of Electronic Engineering and Wu Kuo Lung from the Department of Tourism Culture. This marks the second consecutive year that the number of KSU researchers on the list has topped the private universities of technology in Taiwan, with ten professors making the list in 2020. These researchers have made extraordinary contributions in their related fields and have demonstrated exceptional academic accomplishments, highlighting their abilities in research and development with significant international influence.